class Animations extends Backbone.View
@template: new Gunther.Template (model) ->
@e 'div.ball-container', ->
# When clicked, update the model's x/y using the event
@haltedOn 'click touchstart', (e) ->
# The offset of the container
containerOffset = (($ '.ball-container').offset()
eventX = if e.originalEvent? then e.originalEvent.pageX else e.pageX
eventY = if e.originalEvent? then e.originalEvent.pageY else e.pageY
# Set the new x/y properties based on offset and event's pageX/Y
x: eventX - containerOffset.left
y: eventY-
# Update the clicked counter
clicked: (model.get 'clicked') + 1
@e 'div.ball', ->
# The top/left are bound to the model's x/y properties
top: @bind model, 'y', () -> "#{(model.get 'y') - 40}px"
left: @bind model, 'x', () -> "#{(model.get 'x') - 40}px"
@e 'span', -> @bind model, 'clicked'
initialize: () ->
@model = new Backbone.Model
x: 100,
y: 100,
clicked: 0
render: () -> Animations.template.renderInto @el, @model
$ ->
animations = new Animations
el: $ '#animations-example-container'
do animations.render